Sodick End Cap Adapters
Manufactured from 4140 Heat Treated and Nitrided Steel
The following list represents the most popular brands we offer.
We have thousands of prints on all of the major molding machines in North America.
Arburg Autojector Battenfeld Beloit Bipel Boston Matthews Boy Bucher Chuan Lih Fa Cincinnati Cincinnati ACT Cincinnati Roboshot Cincinnati Vista Cincinnati Vista Sentry Demag Desma Dima Dong Shin Egan Engel Farrel Fellows Ferromatik Fortune |
Fu Chun Shin Gloenco Gloucester Gluco Goldstar Haitian Hettinga Hishiya HPM Hull Husky Illinois Precision Impco Jaco Johns Jomar JSW Kawaguchi Kenplas Klockner Ferromatik Klockner Windsor Krauss-Maffei Kuasy Lester Lien Fa |
Lombard Maplan Martinand McNeil Meiki Metalmec Mini-jector MIR Mitsubishi Moslo Multiplas Natco Negri Bossi Netstal New Britain Newbury Niigata Nissei Nissin Pentaject Presma Promax Pyramid Reed Prentice Rutil |
Sandretto Seiko Shinwa Seiki Sodick Stokes Stork Stubbe Sumitomo TMC Toshiba Toyo Triulzi Trubor Trueblood UBE Van Dorn Van Dorn / Demag Wabash MPI Welltec Willert Windsor YCI - Supermax |
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End Cap Adapter Wrench | |
Custom designed for Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Toyo, Autojector, Arburg or any other threaded barrel. Available thicknesses include: 3/4" and 1".
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Manufacturers of High-Quality Home | Request a Quote | Place an Order | Product Index | Online Catalog SERVICES FOR PLASTICS, INC. 7925 N. Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46825-3113, USA |